Q: How can I find the city ordinances?
A: Copies are available at city building. We are in the process of getting them on the website.
Q: When is the city meeting?
A: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. Note new time. Location: Fairview city building, 8349 Decoursey Pike. All are welcome!
Q: When is garbage collected?
A: Every Tuesday. Be sure to set garbage out Monday evening as pick-up is early in the morning. This service is provided by the city.
Q: When are tax bills mailed?
A: Once per year, in November. Taxes are due December 31. A 10% penalty will be added to late payments.
Q: How much are city taxes?
A: .30/$100
Q: How do I obtain a building permit?
A: Present plan to council and then through PDS.